Reader's question: "Can finding true love be a numbers game?"
Adam's answer:
It could be that you are not yet familiar enough with yourself to understand that you may be attracted to the wrong kind of guy. That might sound like a simple answer, but fixing that problem may be a little bit more time consuming. I'm guessing that the book you referenced offers a method of reaching the desired conclusion. Your proposed theory of dating three guys simultaneously to aid development of an idea of what you both want to find as well as honing in on what you wish to avoid sounds like a triangulation strategy.
While such a method might work for some I can imagine that very many women would find themselves overwhelmed and suffer even greater confusion. Might I suggest that rather than intentionally making your dating life more convoluted
and complicated that you instead try spending some time alone in thoughtful review? I'm willing to bet that a better solution will result from your serious
meditation on what it is you want as well as what type of guy will compliment your particular style.
Remember that a successful relationship is a partnership so you have to take an honest inventory of your own assets and liabilities. Sure this sounds overwhelming, but don't make the mistake of thinking you are alone in the challenging game that modern relationships have become. Take your time; don't be too focused on the goal that you fail to pay attention to the road you are traveling.
Lighten up and have a great laugh by looking at one man's many failed dating adventures by reading the book "Relationslips." There are a whole bunch of us
struggling to keep our heads up in this same turbulent sea. Best of luck to you in your own RelationSlips!
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